The first Relief Society of the new Branch March 17, 2009
Sharon Isokpan, Nathan, Alex and Emily Gibbons playing games and watching videos while mother and others were in Relief Society Bithday party and enjoying themselves for the evening. This was the first Relief Society meeting for the Sisters in the new Church facility in Galway.
Sisters of the Galway Releif Society gathering before their aprty or Dinner in the new Multipurpose room in the Galway Church Khensani Melhembe, Tori Holyoak, Lindsey Holyoak, Veronica Finucane, Veronica Jensen and Sister Tolman. Veronica Jesen is the Relief society President with Vernonica Finucane who is her first counselor.
Lisa Isokpan and her daughter at the Relief Society Party.
Michelle Gibbons and her Mother who is not a member of the Church but who felt right at home and was so impressed with what the church had done for the members here in Galway and how nice it was for the women to just get together and talk about things that concerned the women of the Church and the community.
Michelle Gibbons our District Primary President and Compassionet service leader in the Branch with her three wonderful children.
Relief Society Sisters around the table with sister Tolman they had a great evening and St. Patricks day. It was the first St Paddy's day in Ireland for over seven year that it had not rained and the winds blowen you hat right off the Irish said. It was just one beautiful sunny day here in Ireland.
Arrangements for the Relief Society Dinner in the new multi purpose room in Galway Branch March 17 2009 St. Patricks day.
Arrangements for the Relief Society Dinner in the new multi purpose room in Galway Branch March 17 2009 St. Patricks day. The beginning of the meal spread for the sisters and they always do a great job.
St. Patricks day Parade from above Shop street in Galway and the dancers in the parade.
St. Patricks day Parade from above Shop street in Galway and the Yell leaders or Pom Pom girls of Galway in the parade.
St. Patricks day Parade from above Shop street in Galway and the people gathering to get their spot to see all that was going on. We had many members of the Branch in the parade this day.
The Church Logo and sign on the Front of the Liosban building in Galway. This is a first for Galway to have a Sign actually Identifying we are here and this is where the Church meets. Since the Completion of the Church our numbers have been increasing. This last Sunday March 22, 2009 we had 59 in attendance to meeting. The Lords work is moving forward.
Everthing at the top of the picture on the second floor and from one side of the picture to the other side is where the Church now meets in Galway. On the Church Web site after six months of working on it we finally have our location identified so anyone coming to Galway can now find us and call us if they need directions.
As you look close you will see the flaks of snow coming down, this was the biggest snow we had seen and at the close of winter, it even stuck to the cars they almost did not know what to do with it. This has been the coldest winter and the wetest summer in over 10 years, it even froze pipe buried in the ground. So cold yes it was and now the sun has been shinning for over a week and half.
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